Color Schemes…

Choosing your color Schemes when painting your house….

There are many things that taken in consideration when choosing to paint your house. Certain colors can calm a person, while others can promote excitement or cheerfulness. (ever notice hospitals are usually light blue colors) That being said, you may want to think carefully on the type of color scheme you choose for your next painting project for this can affect your mood conisdering the fact that you will have to live in it.

Choose colors for your Painting project is all about harmony. Harmony in a painting is when the arrangement of colors and objects are pleasing to the viewers eyes. I’m sure you have been in a house where the house is just missing that something, a nice house mind you, but it was just lacking. I am also sure that you have been to a house where  the painting is a bit too much. So it’s important to have balance in your color coordination. So I have provided a little bit of information about a few different types of color schemes to keep in mind.


This color scheme uses colors that are next to one another on any color wheel or color book usually have one dominant darker color and are accented by lighter colors with the same scheme. You are limited in colors when using this scheme due to the lack of variety but that does not mean your house has to be boring Just vary the intensity (how dull or bright a color is) and value (how light or dark a color is) to make your painting more interesting and pleasing to the eye. An example of three colors next to each other on the color wheel, that can be used in an analogous color scheme are orange, yellow and yellow-orange. Use only a few different colors with the analogous color scheme. If you add too many, you may destroy the harmony in your painting.


The complimentary color scheme is a good choice if you want strong contrast in your house. A good idea is to use this scheme in compliment accent walls and combining it to larger walls while complimenting each color.This scheme is made up of colors that are opposite each other on the color wheel or fan deck. (ie reds with greens, oranges with blues and violets with yellows). You shouldn’t feel intimiadated when using this color scheme because remember you can also use combination schemes so you can create a variety of combinations like blue-violet or blue green. You could also vary the darkness and shades as well. It can be difficult to create balance with this color scheme. To avoid ruining harmony, choose one dominant color throughout the whole house  and use the complimentary color as accents. For instance in a yellow and violet complementary color scheme, you could make the main subject and background violets and accent remaining parts of the house in yellows. The most important part is to keep the house in scheme and use charts and figure out which colors compliment each other. You do not want to creat an effect of overbearingness that comes with using incorrect complimentary colors…


The tri color scheme uses three colors that are evenly spaced  from one another on the color wheel. This scheme produces strong contrast but still retains harmony.  You can get carried away by making all three colors too intense thereby destroying the balance in your painting. You should allow one color to dominate and use the two other colors to accent the rest of the house, just like all things there is a balance to it keep that one main color and then accent it out….


The split-complimentary color scheme uses three colors and is a unique way to compliment the color scheme in your house. Instead of using the colors to compliment, you will use the two colors adjacent to its compliment on the color wheel. For instance, Red, Yellow-Green and Blue-Green could be a split complimentary color scheme. So you are complimenting different colors to different colors to create a theme of sorts.

Thanks for reading I hope this helps

If you have any questions let me know and if you are in the great Pudget Sound are in Washington I will gladly contact you and help in any way that I can…


About James the Painter

I own a full service paint company servicing the greater pudget sound area in the state of Washington
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